My name is Krishna Thapa Magar, and my life is one of service. I grew up in the Nepal Himalaya, beneath Annapurna. At 19, one of the first to join the British Ghurka formed my vision of Himalaya and became the first to pass selection from RGR (Royal Gurkha Rifles) and enter the British SAS (Special Air Service Regiment) in the regiment’s history. For the past 26 years, I have served on the front line in Afghanistan and Iraq, on combat missions & in a training capacity. One of my roles supporting my fellow soldiers, my brothers, was a mountain specialist and mental health awareness. I have been to many dark places and know that I might not have survived to tell the tale without knowing my own culture of high Himalaya and eastern spiritual knowledge.



My name is Krishna Thapa Magar, and my life is one of service. I grew up in the Nepal Himalaya, beneath Annapurna. At 19, one of the first to join the British Ghurka formed my vision of Himalaya and became the first to pass selection from RGR (Royal Gurkha Rifles) and enter the British SAS (Special Air Service Regiment) in the regiment’s history. For the past 26 years, I have served on the front line in Afghanistan and Iraq, on combat missions & in a training capacity. One of my roles supporting my fellow soldiers, my brothers, was a mountain specialist and mental health awareness. I have been to many dark places and know that I might not have survived to tell the tale without knowing my own culture of high Himalaya and eastern spiritual knowledge.

    © 2023 The Dawn Collective

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